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Charitable Works Fund

The Charitable Works Fund (CWF) is responsible for collecting funds for the purpose of supporting the charitable and pastoral works of the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.

It is your charity, the charity of the Sydney Catholic community and your local parish.

Your donation changes lives. Watch the short film below to learn more.


The services provided by the following agencies are helping thousands of people every year - they offer comfort to people in crisis, provide advocacy, training and better access for the disadvantaged, support people in their faith development and train our future priests.

Mass for Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and First Holy Communion at Philip Bay

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry

The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM) promotes reconciliation and mutual understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities. It also looks after the pastoral care of the Catholic Aborigines and supports them in the living of their faith. The ACM provides interface between indigenous people and the Catholic Church.



CatholicCare stands in the Catholic tradition of compassion and concern for social justice. It works with the community to realise a shared vision of a society in which we all feel valued and supported. CatholicCare services help Sydney families and individuals with counselling, relationships, parenting, ageing, disabilities, addictions and mental health concerns.


Chaplaincy Services

Catholic Chaplaincy Services provide pastoral care and spiritual guidance throughout the Archdiocese of Sydney, covering prisons, aged care, universities and hospitals. They are a source of comfort and friendship to people in need, minister to the sick and help foster a Catholic culture at university campuses.


Confraternity of Christian Doctrine

The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) provides religious education and Christian formation for Catholic children in public schools. The CCD is currently responsible for the training and support of around 2,000 volunteers who teach Special Religious Education classes each week to around 30,000 Catholic School Children in public schools. 


Ephpheta Centre

The Ephpheta Centre provides services to the deaf and hard of hearing communities in the dioceses of Sydney, Parramatta and Broken Bay, including Sunday Mass in sign language, sacramental preparation for both children and adults, pastoral care and community support, outreach to families with young deaf children, advocacy services, spiritual development and leadership.



The Seminary of the Good Shepherd (Homebush) and the Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary of the Neocatechumenal Way (Chester Hill) aim to provide an environment that nurtures the calling that a man experiences for service in the priesthood, looking at their character development, pastoral skills and academic training to enable them to carry out their mission in the Church.

For 2,000 years the Catholic Church has worked to spread the faith, live charity and care for our elders. Catholics continue this work in Sydney today.

Alternatively, you can donate via:

Charitable Works Fund ABN: 24 784 785 643