St Mary’s Cathedral News | November 2018

It’s that time of year again, to reflect on our past year, on the good and the bad and the things we can be grateful for. Sitting in the Cathedral, despite the hundreds of times I’ve done just that, reminds me how grateful I am that Sydney can hold the heart of many Catholics, here and around the country.

In the 150th year of St Mary’s Cathedral, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the thousands of hands, hearts and acts of generosity that have conserved the Cathedral to stand as one of Sydney’s most beautiful and significant buildings, and we couldn’t have achieved this without you.

Our location was once an undesirable one, grudgingly granted to Sydney’s first Catholics. Today, after hundreds of years of change, we sit in the heart of the city, serving the hundreds of thousands of visitors looking for peace, refuge or a glimpse of its grand architecture.

It required generations of dedicated Sydney Catholics to ensure the Cathedral was built and maintained as requested by then Archdeacon Therry. Even after the fire in 1865, which destructed the first St Mary’s Cathedral, Catholic people, like you and me, rallied together within months to begin reconstructing today’s Cathedral.

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