Speaker Series: The Works and Hope of the Church
Bishop Richard Umbers on “The Works and Hope of the Church”
Self-identifying as the Bishop of memes, due to his presence on social media, in particular Facebook and Twitter, Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney Richard Umbers
shared with us his key areas of work at the March Speaker Series event.
1. Evangelise through social media. Being well known for his work through memes, Bishop Umbers shared his determination to cut through to the younger generation. Taking concern for young professionals, wondering how young Catholics get together to share in their faith in a professional context, he wants to know how he can help. That’s why Bishop Umbers organises a circuit of speakers to address the young professional network in Sydney through a quarterly breakfast ‘The Bishop’s Blend’.
2. The intellectual and cultural life of the city. Bishop Umbers hopes to reach young Catholics at all ages, from high school students, university and TAFE students and young professionals. Ensuring chaplains are available for the Sacraments and guidance for the young has already proved to provide important formation. One such example is realising the Rome campus of ACU which provides a 3-week course to learn about the history of the Church and its role in the politics of our society.
3. To provide certain visibility of what is going on within the Archdiocese and it’s charitable works. “I want to influence a certain culture change of the way things are done in the Polding Centre. “Culture change takes time… I think we need to move to a new footing of accountability, transparency and sustainability. If we are asking people to feed the poor, we expect the poor to be fed”.
The Speaker Series is an opportunity to thank you, our benefactors and members of the Cardinal Gilroy Society, for your generous support. It also provides an update on the various works you have supported over the years. Together we can celebrate some of our achievements, and discuss how we can further work together to achieve the greater good in both society and the Church.