Welcoming Bishop Danny Meagher
Bishop-elect Daniel Meagher, the former Rector of the Seminary of the Good Shepherd, was appointed as the Archdiocese of Sydney’s new Auxiliary Bishop on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 2021.
His appointment in December was an evening overlaid with layers of joy. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP welcomed Bishop Danny’s mother, Elizabeth, and paid tribute to his deceased father, Alan, in a moving ceremony. The sheer excitement and pride from the pews of the new Bishop’s family members, and support from a tidal wave of past parishioners and associates, was palpable.
The Bishop has already demonstrated his brand of leadership: one which is aligned with the true message of the Gospel – saving souls.
“I won’t be an administrative hack!”, the Bishop claimed at his appointment ceremony. Instead, he wants to “serve people in [their] homes, in the ups and downs of daily life, where God is genuinely so close to all of us”. But above all, nothing is more important for Bishop Danny than “bringing others into the Divine Presence”.
And Bishop Danny certainly brings those on the margins to God. His extensive work with the marginalized, after years volunteering at the Mathew Talbot hostel for homeless men, St Vincent de Paul, David’s Place and the Order of Malta, has shown him the face of God in his fellow man.
“We need to do this great work as a Church, reminding us that the poor are our treasure”. He reminds us that the great deacon and 3rd century martyr, St Lawrence, was asked to present all the treasures of the Church to the Roman emperor, Valerian, who was persecuting him. St Lawrence brought along the homeless and the disabled, and said – “Here is our treasure!”
Alongside his commitment to the disadvantaged, Bishop Danny wishes to strengthen sacramental life for all, particularly Catholic school students. He has joined Bishops Richard Umbers and Terry Brady as the third Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney.
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